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What are the types of crane electromagnets?

Crane electromagnet is a common lifting equipment. which uses electromagnetic principle to generate suction. and is used to grab and carry various iron materials. According to different structures and working principles. crane electromagnets can be divided into the following categories:

Circular electromagnet:

Circular electromagnets are the most common and basic type of electromagnet. with a circular or slightly flattened coil. Circular electromagnets can generate magnetic force through electrification. which is used to absorb and lift iron materials. such as steel plates. iron blocks. etc. It can choose different sizes and electromagnetic coils of electromagnets according to different work requirements and load requirements.

Rectangular electromagnet:

The coil of a rectangular electromagnet has a rectangular shape. which has a larger contact area and stronger suction compared to a circular electromagnet. Rectangular electromagnets are usually used to transport heavy materials such as large steel. steel plates. and rails. It can provide stronger suction. ensuring greater stability when lifting materials.

Multipole electromagnet:

A multipole electromagnet is a special type of electromagnet whose electromagnetic coil is divided into multiple cross sections. each of which is an independent magnetic pole. This design can enable the electromagnet to generate a uniform magnetic field over a larger range. improve suction. and better adapt to materials of different shapes and sizes. Multipole electromagnets are commonly used in processes such as steel plate cutting. processing. and welding.

Steady state electromagnet:

A steady-state electromagnet is a special type of electromagnet that generates a constant magnetic force by using a constant current. Compared to traditional electromagnets. steady-state electromagnets have a more stable magnetic output. It is usually used in situations that require long-term lifting and continuous handling. such as steel mills. ports. etc.

Control system classification:

In addition to the above structural classification. crane electromagnets can also be classified according to their control systems. Common control systems can be divided into two types: manual control and automatic control. Manual control electromagnets are usually controlled by the operator through buttons or switches to switch on and off the electromagnetic attraction. while automatic control electromagnets are automatically controlled through electromagnetic control cabinets and sensors.

When using the crane electromagnet. it must be operated strictly in accordance with the operating procedures and safety regulations to ensure safety. At the same time. select the appropriate electromagnet type according to specific needs and working conditions. and perform proper maintenance and maintenance to ensure work efficiency and equipment life.

The technical performance of the crane electromagnet has been improved through the research and years of operation experience of Henan flag crane Co., ltd technicians. Flagcrane provides standard and non-standard cranes and spreaders that have passed third-party certification. Welcome to visit flagcrane's factory.

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