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Precautions for Using Crane Lifting Electromagnets

Crane lifting electromagnet is a device made using electromagnetic principles. which can generate super strong magnetic force. It is widely use in various industries. including manufacturing. logistics. ports. aviation. steel. construction. etc. The following are the precautions for using crane lifting electromagnets:

1. Before use. the cold resistance of the electromagnet should be measure. and its value should not be less than 0.5MΩ at room temperature.

2. Please do not work with electricity until the magnet is firmly place on the surface of the object being suck. It is strictly prohibit to use the electromagnet as a traveling hammer.

3.The lifting electromagnet of the crane is not suitable for cutting the material head and scrap steel. as the electromagnet has a high suction force and a heavy self weight. The cutting head or scrap steel can easily damage the radiation plate at the bottom of the electromagnet.

4、Electromagnets should be place as symmetrically as possible with the center of gravity of the load.

(1) The load capacity of the magnet=weight absorption capacity×(1+eccentricity/spacing). so it is better to have a slightly larger spacing between the electromagnets. When the distance between two electromagnets is small and the eccentricity is large. the load capacity of two electromagnets is almost the same as that of one electromagnet. For situations where the distance cannot be expand. the eccentricity should be minimize during operation.

(2) For longer steel that is not prone to winding. the electromagnet has a larger load and is generally use in conjunction with multiple machines. In this way. the level of the adsorption surface is quite important. and a balance type two-layer crossbeam should be use.

(3) When using more than four electromagnets in combination. the adsorption surface of the lifting electromagnet of the crane should be carefully adjusted to adapt to the actual working conditions. Otherwise. some electromagnets may not only fail to function. but also add their own weight. increasing the burden on other electromagnets.

5. When two machines are use together. their spacing is half the length of the material.

6. It is required to use high-temperature materials with high-temperature electromagnets. and high-temperature materials with room temperature electromagnets are strictly prohibit.

7. It is strictly prohibit to stay the electromagnet on high-temperature objects. High temperature electromagnets can only be use when the temperature of the attracted object drops below 600℃. High temperature electromagnets can only be use when the temperature of the attract object drops below 700℃.

8. When not in use. do not allow the electromagnet to stay. wander. or store in high temperature areas.

9. Try to shorten the contact time between the electromagnet and high-temperature objects as much as possible.

10. Low current rate electromagnets cannot be use as high current rate products. and corresponding current rate electromagnets should be use according to the specific situation.

11. If there is a significant decrease in suction and overheating during the use of high-temperature electromagnets. the electromagnet should be allow to rest for a period of time. or soaked in a water pit with a depth of 300mm for cooling.

12. The electromagnet should avoid breaking or pulling cables as the crane lifts.

13. During operation. it is necessary to regularly observe the voltage and current indication values on the electromagnet control screen. and the excitation current of the electromagnet should be between the cold state current and the hot state current.

14. The lifting electromagnet and electromagnet of the crane should be kept dry. After use. they should be place in a dry. ventilated. and free of harmful substances.

15. Regularly check the wear of chains and pins.

The technical performance of the crane lifting electromagnets has been improved through the research and years of operation experience of Henan flag crane Co., ltd technicians. Flagcrane provides standard and non-standard cranes and spreaders that have passed third-party certification. Welcome to visit flagcrane's factory.

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